About Shop in Lismore

What is it?

Shop in Lismore is a simple directory of businesses in Lismore (NSW), or rather, all businesses in 2480.

The glimmer of this initially started after the 2017 floods when people were looking to see what was open and what wasn’t. The need for this info on the web (not just on socials) is still there – and we (the community collective) want and need to encourage people to shop local, shop small, support the local business community, and help our economy grow strong. A strong community is as much about our residents and visitors as it is about the business economy.

The directory is certainly not complete, and some of what’s here is likely incorrect – and that’s where you come in!

  • If you’re a business owner, please search to see if you’re here. If your info isn’t correct – likely a change of address – please get in touch.
  • If your business isn’t here on the list, you can add your business yourself here. We’ve got basic info for starters, but that will grow!
  • If you’re a customer or planning on visiting our beautiful region, and can’t find what you’re looking for, please get in touch, or check the Resources page for related info from other sources.

Around 4000 businesses were impacted in 2022, and we want them all back. There’s only around 1000 on the list, so there’s a way to go!!

Who is it for?

It’s for any business in 2480. It doesn’t have to be bricks and mortar; it’s. not just about the CBD. You could be work from home, online only, a market business, food van, or any number of other options. The only verification of sorts that you’ll need to provide will be your ABN (which you should have regardless of size of business).

How much does it cost?

It’s free to list in the directory as it is now. This may change over time depending on what you want to see here. Some features are easily achieveable, but there is a cost in terms of time, and some software has a cost attached.

What’s Next?

  • Adding categories to all businesses
  • Gathering better contact info (at the moment, it’s just addresses)
  • A directory that you can use for advertising/sharing.
  • Sharing biz info on socials
  • A newsletter if sufficient interest
  • Including events if sufficient interest

#shopinlismore #supportinglocalbusiness #supportlocal #supportlismore2480

Who’s doing this?

Started by Ellen Kronen, a local business owner and resident of 30+ years. Ellen was on the board of the Business Lismore (Lismore Chamber of Commerce & Industry) for 10 years, and President twice during that time. She has been actively involved in the business community, particularly post 2017 floods, and even more post 2022. 

This is all about encouraging visitors back to Lismore (which is shorthand for the 2480 postcode) but I’m particularly focussed on the businesses who were directly inundated in the 2022 floods – the CBD, South, North and East Lismore. The areas where businesses have returned, and need their customers to support them. 

Economic pressures, residents leaving post-flood, significant changes to our community and economy are taking their toll and I want to show not only residents, but shoppers from surrounding areas that we are here, we want to stay here, and there are more than 1000 great reasons to shop here! For our city to thrive, we need community, residents, visitors, jobs, housing, and a business community. You really need them all!!  

I also discovered post-flood that there isn’t a true directory of ALL businesses here. A foolhardy wish perhaps, but there is such a diversity in our business community I want to ‘map’ that and have that info available for anyone who is looking for a thingumy jig, a whatsit, a person who does whatever you need, I think you’ll find it here!

Shop in Lismore isn’t associated with any external organisations – it’s bootstrapped by Ellen, and will be maintained for free for 3-6 months, then assessed for ongoing usefulness and longevity!

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